Web2py resources
René Dohmen
October 20, 2011
1 min

Just some things I discovered on my learning path with the web2py framework.

A lot of cool plugins, mostly widgets

some table stuff, colorpicker etc: http://dev.s-cubism.com/web2py_plugins http://www.web2pyslices.com/



Complete applications

http://web2py.com/appliances http://web2py.com/appliances/default/show/31

Wiki plugin

You can use most of the widget from the wiki plugin inside the views!

rating (with stars)

tagging stuff

toggleable facebook style comments

Mobile plugin


Populating Database with Dummy Data

For testing purposes it is convenient to be able to populate database tables with dummy data. web2py includes a Bayesian classifier already trained to generate dummy but readable text for this purpose. Here is the simplest way to use it:

+-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1. | from gluon.contrib.populate import populate populate(db.mytable,100) | | | | | 2. | | +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------------+

It will insert 100 dummy records into db.mytable. It will try to do intelligently by generating short text for string fields, longer text for text fields, integers, doubles, dates, datetimes, times, booleans, etc. for the corresponding fields. It will try to respect requirements imposed by validators. For fields containing the word “name” it will try to generate dummy names. For reference fields it will generate valid references. If you have two tables (A and B) where B references A, make sure to populate A first and B second. Because population is done in a transaction, do not attempt to populate too many records at once, particularly if references are involved. Instead, populate 100 at the time, commit, loop.

+-----+----------------------------------------------+ | 1. | for i in range(10): populate(db.mytable,100) | +-----+----------------------------------------------+ | 2. | db.commit() | | | | | 3. | | +-----+----------------------------------------------+

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