Upgrading Domotics and your database
René Dohmen
August 22, 2020
1 min

My domoticz system did run quite a while with updates straight from the Domoticz github repo. But after a while the update failed on new library requirements. So I cloned a new Domoticz and started compiling from scratch.

Upgrading libs

The first thing to upgrade was cmake, as you have to compile newer versions of Domoticz with a newer cmake. This proofed to be a bit problematic on an older ubuntu system. After that you will also need Boost and if you used zwave this is a good moment to update the libraries for it. Domoticz, at this moment, needs at least CMake 3.16, Boost 1.72 and optionally OpenZWave 1.6+

Note: all command block below assume that you start from your home directory or a directory of your choice.

Remove any previous CMake installation

You have to remove it first:

Compile CMake

To compile/install CMake issue the following commands:

Verify you are on the correct version with:

CMake version
CMake version

Remove previous Boost libraries

Remove previous version with:

Compile Boost libraries

To compile/install Boost issue the following commands:

Build Support for OpenZWave 1.6+

If you need support for ZWave, you need to compile open-zwave before compiling domoticz Make sure to follow the below steps, you will end up with a folder layout like:

Compile a new domoticz

I also did some changes in the startup scripts, aka converted stuff from rc.d tot system V services.


Enable new domoticz service at Boot and disable the previous loaders:

More info can be found on the excellent Domoticz wiki.

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